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Current Population Figures

North Korea Population Dynamics

Current Population Figures

According to Worldometer, as of Tuesday, June 18, 2024, the current population of North Korea is estimated to be around 26,241,699. This figure is based on the latest data provided by the United Nations.

Population Projections

Peak Population Estimate

Current projections indicate that North Korea's population is expected to reach its peak in the year 2037. However, the exact population size at that time is subject to variations based on future demographic trends.

Population Growth Rate

In recent years, North Korea has experienced a gradual decline in its population growth rate. While accurate and up-to-date data on population growth rates can be challenging to obtain due to the country's limited access to information, it is estimated that the annual growth rate is currently around 0.4%.

Factors Affecting Population Dynamics

Various factors influence North Korea's population dynamics, including birth rates, mortality rates, and migration patterns. Access to healthcare services, economic conditions, and government policies can all play a role in shaping these population trends.
